Program Descriptions for Programs Funded
Kindergarten & 1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
*certified teacher whose cost is shared between the school budget and Friends of 187
- Wingspan Art Visual Art with Eleanor Moore (residency): In this visual arts program art educator Eleanor Moore guides students as they create drawings, paintings, sculptures, recycled arts and more. With a foundation in the NYC Blueprint for the Arts students will build their art vocabulary during thoughtful discussions and peer-to-peer reflections.
- Art class by City Kids Art with Donetta Riley (residency): Master’s ART Shop is an introduction to great art masters focusing on style and historical context. Each week, students are provided the opportunity to create work inspired by the artists.
2nd grade
- Wingspan Art Visual Art with Eleanor Moore (residency): See description above, 1st grade.
- Young Audiences New York (YANY) Drama & Storytelling (residency): Provided by Anne Pasquale, an introduction to the basic language and process of theater; students experience acting and directing through theater games and mini-productions. YANY arts residency programs work within the Learning Standards and Blueprints for Teaching and Learning in the Arts.
3rd grade
- YANY Drama & Storytelling (residency): See description above, 2nd grade.
- YANY Visual Art with Amir Bey (residency): In this program, students will have the opportunity to master proper brushstroke techniques for painting. Techniques will be expressed in the form of Japanese and Chinese characters. To contrast the liquid nature of painting, students will also use solid materials to create sculptural projects.
4th grade
- YANY Visual Art with Amir Bey (residency): See description above, 3rd grade.
- YANY Musical Theater (residency) with Greg Paul: In this program, students adapt musical theater pieces. Through discussion, improvisation, and observation, students understand the use of song, dance, and dialogue in musical productions. The program aims to help students experience musical theater as entertainment as well as a powerful method to communicate life experiences.
5th grade
- YANY Digital Media with Donna Maria DeCreeft: In this introduction to professional filmmaking, students engage in the three major phases of filmmaking: pre-production (planning), production (shooting), and postproduction (editing). Throughout the program, students work collaboratively in small groups to analyze primary and secondary sources for script development, develop storyboards and scripts, build film sets, and ultimately produce a 3- to 4-minute silent film.
- Music with Mr. Tergilene*
6th grade
- Music with Mr. Tergilene*
- Teachers & Writers Collaborative: This program, taught by author David Surface (and aligned to the Common Core) enhances students’ interest and achievement in reading and writing across various genres (poetry, fiction, memoir, personal essay, creative nonfiction). For example, in writing workshops that focus on the Civil War, students examine a piece of historic Confederate propaganda entitled, “The Dying Confederate’s Last Words.” Working off this document, students create their own work from the viewpoint of a Union soldier and a dying soldier from the South. Students then examine the Civil War through the lens of Herman Melville’s poem, “Ball’s Bluff: A Reverie,” and generate short stories that involve two characters' differing points of view.
7th grade
- Music with Mr. Tergilene*
- Teachers & Writers Collaborative: See description above, 6th grade.
8th grade
- Music with Mr. Tergilene*
- YANY World Drumming Ensemble (residency) - This residency program taught by Eric Phinney exposes students to musical and cultural practices through performance, study and improvisation. Groups learn to play essential rhythms on hand drums, marimbas and percussion instruments. Students move from playing new instruments in rotation and playing basic rhythms in unison to playing together as an ensemble to learning a complete piece with mulitple parts. In a culminating performance, the group demonstrates the instruments and rhythms and performs a "rhythm chant."
*certified teacher whose cost is shared between the school budget and Friends of 187